Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I think this is my favorite time of month in the garden.
Everything is bursting.
The Echinacea, the Shasta Daisies, the Hollyhocks are going crazy.

One of our happier discoveries this year was of the plant you see below.
I always thought this was a weed, and it may be, but I've been to lazy the last 3 years to chop it down.
This summer my slothfulness paid off.

I think the common name for this plant is Evening Primrose, or Night Blooming Primrose.
One of our favorite evening activities is to now gather in front of this plant as dusk falls to watch it bloom.
As night falls, the tight little buds pop open and begin to unfurl.
We are able to watch as flower after flower opens and blooms.
They smell fantastic too.
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